The plan is called The Ultimate Crossover.
I need everyone to video a short segment for this:
Trea as Dr.Lansing.
Chris as Vincent.
Jack as Young Damon.
Joe Daly as Young Gary.
Robert as Gary (I will video your part, Gary, if it's easiest!)
Pat as Young Vincent.
Olly as The Magician.
Me as Damon Dark.
The story will be called "Destination: Alpha Space".
The plot:
An asteroid is nearing the Earth. Damon Dark sends Vincent out in a ship (maybe his own, maybe the Prometheus) to carry out the plan Dr.Lansing has devised, to destroy the asteroid with a nuclear mine.
Vincent's not happy about it and his ship can't get away in time. The explosion seems to kill Vincent, but then he appears, alive and well.
Damon and Lansing are relieved, but then Lansing detects that the explosion has ripped open a hole in the Universe...the whole planet Earth is about to pass through into "Alpha Space", a dimension where the laws of physics make no sense any longer!
Thinking they are about to die, Vincent orders pizza for everybody and phones some girls. He wants to die happy! Gary arrives at Damon's side and is appalled to hear what's happened. He complains that as soon as he turns his back, the whole Earth is doomed! Suddenly, Earth enters Alpha Space.
A weird psychedelic time warp hits the Earth.
Damon changes into Young Damon, Gary changes into Young Gary, and Vincent changes into Young Vincent.
Lansing is shielded and stays the same. He tells them he will find a solution. Gary is upset he was about to retire in another year or two and now he has to go through puberty again! Vincent wants to know how he can get girls now he is a kid again. And Damon is the same, just younger, and tells them all to shut up and get a grip!
Suddenly a message comes in from The Magician! He's broken free of his parallel world and now Alpha Space is his domain. He sends gas-mask zombies out to emilinate everyone!
Trea tries to work out the problem...he tries to devise a force field to protect Earth.
Suddenly the time warp kicks in again, and everyone returns to their normal ages, just in time to fight off the arrival of gas mask zombies.
Trea realises Earth has come out the other side of the Alpha Space continuum and everything is back to normal.
The Magician tells them they will never be safe from him...he will hound all of them till the end of time...Damon, Gary, Vincent and Lansing...he will never rest till these cosmic do-gooders are finally destroyed!
Well...that's the outline guys! Let me know what you think!